Mikihiro Ikura (PhD)

Postdoc researcher

Event-Driven Preception for Robotics,
Center for Robotics and Intelligent Systems,
Italian Institute of Technology, Italy


Mikihiro Ikura (Ph.D.) is a postdoctoral researcher in Event-Driven Perception for Robotics, Center for Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Italian Institute of Technology, Italy. My major is high speed image processing with event-based cameras and high-speed cameras, 3D sensing, and Robotics. In particular, my research focused on a real-time event-driven feature tracking, an adaptive 3D sensing system with adjustable spatio-temporal resolution and measurement in real time, a real-time video superimposition with cooperative teleoperated robots, and robust and efficient vehicle detection in Intelligent Transportation Systems. During my Ph.D course, I stayed at Technical University of Munich and German Aerospace Center for 1.5 years to engage in the research related to event-based cameras and spiking neural networks.








Journal Papers

  1. Takuya Igaue, Toko Hayamizu, Hiroshi Higuchi, Mikihiro Ikura, Kenichi Yoshida, Satoshi Yamanaka, Takashi Yamaguchi, Hajime Asama and Atsushi Yamashita: "Cooperative 3D Tunnel Measurement Based on 2D-3D Registration of Omnidirectional Laser Light", Journal of Field Robotics, 2023. http://doi.org/10.1002/rob.22241

  2. Toko Hayamizu, Takuya Igaue, Mikihiro Ikura, Hiroshi Higuchi, Jun Younes Louhi Kasahara, Satoshi Ito, Nobuhiro Taniguchi, Hiroyuki Morino, Kenichi Yoshida, Hajime Asama, Atsushi Yamashita: "Position and Direction Measurement of Rock Bolt Hole Using Cross Line Laser and Camera" Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol. 89, No. 4, pp. 328-335, 2023. https://doi.org/10.2493/jjspe.89.328

  3. Mikihiro Ikura, Leo Miyashita, Atsushi Yamashita, Masatoshi Ishikawa, Hajime Asama: "Occlusion-Free Video Superimposing System from Arbitrary Viewpoint Using a High-Speed Blinking LED Markers and Multiple RGB-D Sensors" Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol. 88, No.3, March 2022. https://doi.org/10.2493/jjspe.88.282

  4. Mikihiro Ikura, Sarthak Pathak, Jun Younes Louhi Kasahara, Atsushi Yamashita, Hajime Asama: "AdjustSense: Adaptive 3D Sensing System with Adjustable Spatio-temporal Resolution and Measurement Range Using High-speed Omnidirectional Camera and Direct Drive Motor", Sensors, Vol. 21, No. 21, pp.1-18, 2021. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21216975

  5. Takuya Igaue, Hiroshi Higuchi, Mikihiro Ikura, Kenichi Yoshida, Satoshi Ito, Nobuhiro Taniguchi, Atsushi Yamashita, Hajime Asama: "Line Structured Light-Based Tunnel 3D Measurement with 2D-3D Point Cloud Matching on Projected Light of Ring Laser", Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol. 87, No. 12, December 2021. https://doi.org/10.2493/jjspe.87.987

  6. Mikihiro Ikura, Leo Miyashita, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: "Stabilization System for UAV Landing on Rough Ground by Adaptive 3D Sensing and High-speed Landing Gear Adjustment", Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp.108-118, 2021. https://doi.org/10.20965/jrm.2021.p0108

  7. Kazuya Yaginuma, Jun Asakawa, Yuichi Nakagawa, Yoshihiro Tsuruda, Hiroyuki Koizumi, Kota Kakihara, Kanta Yanagida, Yusuke Murata, Mikihiro Ikura, Shuhei Matsushita, Yoshihide Aoyanagi, Takeshi Matsumoto: "AQT-D: CubeSat Demonstration of a Water Propulsion System Deployed from ISS", Transaction of JSASS, Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.141-148, 2020. https://doi.org/10.2322/tastj.18.141

  8. Mikihiro Ikura, Satoshi Ikari, Atsushi Tomiki, Ryu Funase, Shinichi Nakasuka: "Estimation Algorithm of Relative Position and Attitude during Proximity Rendezvous Using Multiple Ultra-Wide-Band Devices", The 31st ISTS Special Issue of Transaction of JSASS, Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp.43-50, 2019. https://doi.org/10.2322/tastj.17.43

International Conference

  1. Mikihiro Ikura, Cedric Le Gentil, Marcus G. Müller, Florian Schuler, Atsushi Yamashita and Wolfgang Stürzl: "RATE: Real-time Asynchronous Feature Tracking with Event Cameras", Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2024), Abu Dhabi (UAE), October 2024. [Code]

  2. Mikihiro Ikura, Florian Walter, Alois Knoll: "Spiking Neural Networks for Robust and Efficient Object Detection in Intelligent Transportation Systems With Roadside Event-Based Cameras" IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2023, June 2023. https://doi.org/10.1109/IV55152.2023.10186751

  3. Mikihiro Ikura, Sarthak Pathak, Atsushi Yamashita, Hajime Asama: "Polynomial-fitting Based Calibration for an Active 3D Sensing System Using Dynamic Light Section Method", Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 11794, 15th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV2021), pp. 131-137, Tokushima (Japan), 2021. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2590827

  4. Mikihiro Ikura, Leo Miyashita, Masatoshi Ishikawa: "Real-time Landing Gear Control System Based on Adaptive 3D Sensing for Safe Landing of UAV" , 2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2020), Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, January 12-15, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1109/SII46433.2020.9026177 Best Student Paper Award
    Project web page: Japanese/English

  5. Jun Asakawa, Kazuya Yaginuma, Yoshihiro Tsuruda, Hiroyuki Koizumi, Yuichi Nakagawa, Kota Kakihara, Kanta Yanagida, Yoshihide Aoyanagi, Takeshi Matsumoto, Shuhei Matsushita, Yusuke Murata, Mikihiro Ikura: "AQT-D: Demonstration of the Water Resistojet Propulsion System by the ISS-Deployed CubeSat", In Proceedings of 33rd Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites (SSC). SSC19-WKV-07, 2019.

  6. Jun Asakawa, Kazuya Yaginuma, Yuichi Nakagawa, Yoshihiro Tsuruda, Hiroyuki Koizumi, Kota Kakihara, Kanta Yanagida, Mikihiro Ikura, Shuhei Matsushita, Yusuke Murata, Yoshihide Aoyanagi, Takeshi Matsumoto: "Development of AQT-D: the ISS-Deployed CubeSat For the Demonstration of the Water Micro-Propulsion System", In Proceedings of International Space Station Research and Development Conference (ISSRDC). 2019-H-39, 2019.

  7. Ryu Funase, Satoshi Ikari, Yosuke Kawabata, Kota Miyoshi, Shintaro Nakajima, Takumi Kudo, Yuki Koshiro, Masashi Tomooka, Shunichiro Nomura, Akifumi Wachi, Kota Kakihara, Ryohei Takahashi, Kanta Yanagida, Shuhei Matsushita, Akihiro Ishikawa, Mikihiro Ikura, Nobuhiro Funabiki, Yuta Kobayashi, Atsushi Tomiki, Taichi Ito, et al.: "EQUULEUS: A 6U CUBESAT TO FLY TO LUNAR LAGRANGE POINT ONBOARD SLS EM-1", Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference, Pasadena, the United States, August 2017.

  8. Mikihiro Ikura: "Estimation Algorithm of Relative Position and Attitude during Proximity Rendezvous and Docking Using Multiple Ultra-Wide-Band Devices", The 31st International Symposiumon Space Technology and Science(ISTS), Matsuyama (Japan), June 2017. SPSS (Society for Promotion of Space Science) President Award

  9. Shunichiro Nomura, Ryohei Takahashi, Mikihiro Ikura, Kenshiro Oguri, Toshihiro Obata, Satoshi Ikari, Ryu Funase: "Initial Design of EQUULEUS Attitude Determination and Control System: How to Design an ADCS with High Reliability for a Deep Space CubeSat", 31st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science(ISTS), Matsuyama (Japan), June 2017.

Domestic Conference

  1. 速水 桃子, 伊賀上 卓也, 井倉 幹大, 樋口 寛, ルイ笠原 純ユネス, 伊藤 哲, 谷口 信博, 森野 弘之, 吉田 健一, 山下 淳, 淺間 一: "孔口の楕円近似に基づくカメラ画像を用いたロックボルト孔の位置および角度推定", 動的画像処理実利用化ワークショップ2022講演論文集 (DIA2022), pp.18-23, March 2022.

  2. 伊賀上 卓也, 樋口 寛, 井倉 幹大, 吉田 健一, 伊藤 哲, 谷口 信博, 山下 淳, 淺間 一: "リングレーザと魚眼カメラを用いた道路トンネル断面の3次元計測", 土木学会令和3年度全国大会第76回年次学術講演会講演概要集, pp. 1-2, September 2021.

  3. 伊賀上 卓也, 樋口 寛, 井倉 幹大, 吉田 健一, 伊藤 哲, 谷口 信博, 山下 淳, 淺間 一: "光切断法による高精度3次元モデル生成のためのリングレーザ照射光の2D-3Dマッチングに基づく計測断面統合", 第27回画像センシングシンポジウム講演論文集 (SSII2021), 横浜, June 2021.

  4. 井倉 幹大, Pathak Sarthak, 山下 淳, 淺間 一: "ダイレクトドライブモータを用いた計測範囲の能動的変更が可能な三次元形状計測システムの提案", 第21回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2020), 講演論文集, 2B2-10, pp.1395-1400, December 2020.

  5. 井倉 幹大, 宮下 令央, 石川 正俊: "不整地への着陸に向けた適応的 3 次元形状計測による UAV の高速脚制御システム", 第20回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2019), 講演論文集, 2E5-02, pp.1881-1886, December 2019.

  6. 浅川純, 柳沼和也, 中川悠一, 鶴田佳宏, 小泉宏之, 柿原浩太, 柳田幹太, 松下周平, 井倉 幹大, 村田裕亮, 青柳賢英, 松本健 : "ISS放出による超小型水スラスタ実証衛星AQT-Dの開発", 第63回宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演論文集, 2Q10, November 2019.

  7. 井倉 幹大, 宮下 令央, 石川 正俊: UAVの安全着陸に向けた "適応的3次元形状計測による時空間分解能の向上", ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会 (ROBOMECH2019), June 2019 日本機械学会 若手優秀講演フェロー賞

  8. 船瀬 龍, 三好 航太, 五十里 哲, 川端 洋輔, 尾崎 直哉, 中島 晋太郎, 小栗 健士朗, 神代 優季, 友岡 雅志, 野村 俊一郎, 和地 瞭良, 工藤 匠, 石川 晃寛, 柿原 浩太, 高橋 亮平, 柳田 幹太, 船曳 敦漠, 松下 周平, 井倉 幹大, 小泉 宏之, 浅川 純, 小林 雄太, 冨木 淳史, 伊藤 大智, 鳥居 航, 吉川 一朗, 矢野 創, 阿部 新助, 橋本 樹明: "EQUULEUSのシステム概要と開発状況", 第18回 宇宙科学シンポジウム, 相模原, January 2018

  9. 船瀬龍, 三好航太, 五十里哲, 川端洋輔, 尾崎直哉, 中島晋太郎, 小栗健士朗, 神代優季, 友岡雅志, 野村俊一郎, 和地瞭良, 工藤匠, 石川晃寛, 柿原浩太, 高橋亮平, 柳田幹太, 船曳敦漠, 松下周平, 井倉幹大, 小泉宏之, et. al.: "地球-月系ラグランジュ点探査CubeSat EQUULEUS(エクレウス)の概要と開発状況", 第61 回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 新潟, October 2017

  10. 増田陽介, 布施綾太, 阿部新助, 柳澤正久, 島田隆司, 五十里哲, 井倉幹大, 矢野創, 船瀬龍: "超小型深宇宙探査機EQUULEUS搭載「月面衝突閃光カメラDELPHINUS」の性能評価", 日本惑星科学会2017年秋季講演会, 大阪, September 2017

  11. 阿部 新助, 柳澤 正久, 布施 綾太, 小栗 健士朗, 井倉 幹大, 矢野 創 , 船瀬 龍: "超小型6U深宇宙探査機EQUULEUS搭載カメラDELPHINUSの開発", 第17回 宇宙科学シンポジウム, 相模原, January 2017

  12. 船瀬 龍, 五十里 哲, 尾崎 直哉, 蟻生 開人, 友岡 雅志, 井倉 幹大, 稲守 孝哉, 荒井 朋子, 小林 正規, 岩田 隆浩, 大槻 真嗣, 冨木 淳史, 川勝 康弘: "超小型探査機PROCYON mini による小惑星近接フライバイ観測と深宇宙でのランデブドッキング実験", 第 60 回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 函館, September 2016


  1. Mikihiro Ikura: "Spiking Neural Networks for Robust and Efficient Object Detection in Intelligent Transportation Systems With Roadside Event-Based Cameras", TUM-UTokyo Workshop 2023 "Excellence, Diversity, and Mobility", 2023.02

  2. 井倉 幹大: "AdjustSense: 高速全方位カメラとダイレクトドライブモータを用いた時空間分解能と計測範囲の調整の可能な適応的三次元形状計測システム", 2021年度 Sensing Solution 大学共同研究プログラム(SSUP)研究成果発表会, 2022.3

  3. 井倉 幹大: "ご父母のためのオープンキャンパス ~博士課程生活と研究紹介~", 工学系研究科 ご父母(ご家族)のためのオープンキャンパス, 2021.12

  4. 井倉 幹大: "AdjustSense: 高速全方位カメラとダイレクトドライブモータを用いた時空間分解能と計測範囲の調整の可能な適応的三次元形状計測システム", 2020年度 Sensing Solution 大学共同研究プログラム(SSUP)研究成果発表会, 2021.3 奨励賞

  5. 竹内 雅樹, 大邉 寛幸, 井倉 幹大, CHUANLAI ZANG: "コロナ検出と対策", 情報理工学系研究科 第3回 オンライン・シンポジウム ポスト・コロナの新たな情報化社会へ向けての提言 - 産学連携への提案(2), 2020.10 優秀発表 企業賞
  1. Softroid inc.

    • Computer Vision Engineer (2023.10 — 2024.5)
    • Visual SLAM with spherical cameras for construction sites
      Develop a python-based pipeline with VSLAM and image processing
  2. DLR, German Aerospace Center

    • Internship as a guest researcher at the department of Perception and Cognition (2022.11 — 2023.9)
    • Supervisor: Dr. Wolfgang Stürzl, Marcus Müller
      Robust visual odometry with event-based cameras for MAV
  3. Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-time Systems Lab.

    • Visiting Ph.D student at Technical University of Munich (2022.4 — 2023.9)
    • Supervisor: Prof. Alois Knoll, Dr. Florian Walter
      Object detection with Spiking Neural Network and Event-based camera in Adverse Environment
  4. Ito Lab.

    • Research Assistant (2022.10 — 2023.9)
    • Computer Vision engineer
      Supervisor: Dr. Masaki Ito
      Work on object detection for vehicles in Intelligent Transportation System
  5. Mujin

    • Robotics Technology Internship Program (2021.11 — 2022.2)
    • Computer Vision engineer
      Supervisor: Dr. José Jerónimo Moreira Rodrigues
      Work on camera calibration and robot kinematic calibration improvements
  6. Ishikawa Group Lab.

    • Research Assistant (2018.6 — 2022.2)
    • Theme: UAV-UGV coorperative real-time superimposed image generation system
  7. TATA Consultancy Services

    • Software engineer (2019.9 — 2019.10)
    • Theme: Drone-to-Drone detection & tracking algorithm with computer vision
      Study at Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
  8. AQT-D

    AQT-D is the ISS-deployed 3U CubeSat for a demonstration of the water micro-propulsion system, launched by H-IIB rocket in 2019.09.25.
    • Software engineer(2018.6 — 2020.4)
    • ADCS software
  9. Mitsubishi Electric Co.

    • Software engineer (2018.8 — 2018.9)
    • Theme: Driver's posture estimation using car inner camera by machine learning and Genetic Algorithm
  10. ispace inc.

    • Long term internship (2017.9 — 2018.6)
    • Lunar lander mechatronics analysis engineer
  11. Nakasuka Funase Lab. (ISSL)

    • Development of nano spacecraft, EQUULEUS (2016.4 — 2017.9)
    • Mission I/F, DELPHINUS
      ADCS software
  12. ARLISS 2015

    ARLISS (A Rocket Launch for International Student Satellites) is a robotics competition for small artificial satellite (CanSat).
    • Development of CubeSat
    • Software engineer
